Thanks you so much for all the comments and PM you all send me. I'm doing better... I'm still recovering but now I can do some work yay!!! I will be checking what is ready to be send and to be releases so look forward for more in our projects.
Manwhas which will be release as soon as the missing translation are typ.
We are still looking for more staff if there someone interested let me know. Also to does waiting for Scary, we are almost done with translation, two more vols and we are done with the translation. We will be releasing the rest of the manwha and finishing it too yay!! Thank you for your comments and your support!!!
Kya!!! Great you guys! Love ya all! Take care of your health Roja, don't wanna get sick again! All the hardworkers in RosaNegra too. Do take care of yourself
Awww i feel like that last comment was for me teehee yay She's Scary so Happy Its nice ta hear ya doin betta take care of yourself and I hope you have a smooth recovery