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Manga Or Anime
If the series has both the manga & anime, which one will you go for?
ritageorgina77Date: Tuesday, 05/Nov/2013, 1:06 AM
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I started with anime,
and then when the anime doesnt end well or anything you need to know more
I started with manga then
SOme animes are very well and are really easy to watch
and manga is manga
the best is to watch both :)
nanaphungDate: Monday, 20/Jan/2014, 10:52 AM
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Depends, but usually I perfer manga, anime has too much fillers, well it depends really on what im watching
Akage9317Date: Saturday, 19/Apr/2014, 11:36 PM
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it depends on what I'm watching
if it sport or shounen or any story that needs high speed in movement then anime
else manga
zorryDate: Wednesday, 28/May/2014, 0:15 AM
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I would like to say both too, but most of the time when i am finished with watching the anime i switch to the manga since most of time the anime finishes halfway of the complete manga.
anmarienDate: Friday, 06/Jun/2014, 9:45 AM
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That is seriously actually very hard to choose but I guess manga because it has the full story unlike the anime adaption usually turns out.  Although anime is great for when I'm too lazy to read. OTL
MinouDate: Sunday, 15/Jun/2014, 6:09 PM
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Both manga and anime are intresting but when it comes to romance stories i prefer manga and i prefer anime for action and adventure .
cutemushroomDate: Tuesday, 23/Dec/2014, 6:53 PM
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Manga will always be my first choice. With Anime, sure you can get a better sense of some of the action that a single 2D drawing might lack, with the sound effects and all, but the storyline is always more detailed and characters are fleshed out more in manga. Besides in Anime, they tend to change the storyline completely from the manga which I hate because the reason why it was turned into an Anime in the first place was because of the popularity of the original storyline.

Added (23/Dec/2014, 6:53 PM)
Manga will always be my first choice. With Anime, sure you can get a better sense of some of the action that a single 2D drawing might lack, with the sound effects and all, but the storyline is always more detailed and characters are fleshed out more in manga. Besides in Anime, they tend to change the storyline completely from the manga which I hate because the reason why it was turned into an Anime in the first place was because of the popularity of the original storyline.

SDDDate: Monday, 08/Aug/2016, 9:44 PM
Post: 8
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Manga because it's more complete

Added (08/Aug/2016, 9:44 PM)
I like the manga because it is more extensive than the anime


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