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What was Your Very First Anime?
kksuikaDate: Saturday, 03/Mar/2012, 9:34 AM
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Mine was probably either Dragon Ball or Sailor Moon or Doraemon...
I was all over the TV when Sailor Moon was aired that my mom had to get me out of the room. lol
kittkatt90Date: Tuesday, 06/Mar/2012, 7:17 AM
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The first and only one for about 3 or so years was Sailor Moon. I watched it on Cartoon Network when I was in 3rd grade. Then when I was bedridden a number of years later, I got caught up in Shaman King and gradually became interested in anime.
SacrethDate: Thursday, 08/Mar/2012, 9:30 AM
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I can't remember for sure, but it would have been either Gundam Wing or Pokemon. It's been a while, so it's kind of hard to remember exactly.
MachanDate: Friday, 09/Mar/2012, 5:57 PM
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Sailor Moon! I still love it. I want to watch all 5 seasons again. I love it because it was my intro to anime and manga.
I had a huge crush on Mamoru... ali_105

But when I got older and watched it again. I realized he was pretty much useless... Sigh

I think my favorite season is season 5: Sailor Stars! But after I watch it again, I might change my mind.

The next anime I watched was Fushigi Yuugi. After that I was hooked! TAMAHOME!!!
brizingrDate: Sunday, 11/Mar/2012, 2:20 PM
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hmmmm, i think dragon ball..!! >> a little bit forget..
i'm a girl, but who doesn't want to watch KAMEHAMEHA..? Shining

RinaDate: Sunday, 11/Mar/2012, 9:45 PM
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Well I say it was Sailor Moon for me. When I was little I used to run home right after school just to watch the show. I wasn't very interested DBZ when I was a child, I don't understand why people (actually boys) love it so much. I dl and watch the first few season of DBZ when I got older, I thought it wasn't so bad at first, but then after season 2 or 3, I was like WTH, this is getting stupid, and just stop.
YukaniDate: Friday, 16/Mar/2012, 7:09 AM
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I started watching anime in my very early years. I believe my first anime I ever seen was Sailor Moon. It was in an English version. I really love their transformations. For some reason, every time Sailor Moon says her line to the antagonist, I get shivers and goosebumps. Perhaps, if that really happened in real life, I would be really scared.lol.
At first, I really couldn't stand the Japanese version because their voices were very high pitched. At the end, I got used to it because I could watch the Sailor Stars. shine
grofekDate: Saturday, 17/Mar/2012, 6:00 PM
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My very first anime was Sailor Moon. At the time I didn't even know that it was anime. I thought that it wasa just a cartoon. But from then on I was hooked and I started looking for similar shows.
SentakuDate: Sunday, 18/Mar/2012, 9:43 AM
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Woah, lots of people started with DBZ or Sailor Moon. I'm happy to say that these were also my first animes. Both my sister and I watched them regularly around our early teens... screaming like fangirls whenever a new super saiyan mode was unlocked or when Sailor Moon defeated yet another evil enemy.

Those were the first on TV though. The first I actually bought was "Fushigi Yûgi: The Mysterious Play". I was in LOVE with this series. Sexy guys, a cool story line.... what's not to love? (Even though I later found out how cliche the main character was... But hey, lots of things are cliche nowadays).

Post edited by Sentaku - Sunday, 18/Mar/2012, 9:43 AM
ampwsDate: Wednesday, 21/Mar/2012, 9:57 PM
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My first TV anime was Marine.

My first Anime was Battlecruiser Yamoto. I was shown in the UK and I managed to yet a VHS of it. Of course at the time that was very daring as Betamax was going to be the next best thing.

I didn't realize until years later that it wasn't a film but rather a long series.
adamwest17Date: Friday, 23/Mar/2012, 5:35 AM
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My first anime is bleach, which i accidentally downloaded when my friend asked me to download naruto. But when i watch bleach, i was soo coool and i hooked to it until now..
ValiantDate: Tuesday, 27/Mar/2012, 3:15 AM
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Hmmm... Spirited Away. Saw that movie, loved the art and looked for more.
JibrilDate: Tuesday, 27/Mar/2012, 9:05 AM
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think my first was sailor moon. but i am not exactly sure since pokemon and dragon ball started running on tv around the same time. was around 9 or 10 back then
YohjiDate: Tuesday, 27/Mar/2012, 5:36 PM
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I'm honestly not sure, I got into it because my Uncle was into it, I remember watching Tank Police, Ninja Scrolls, and Bubblegum Crisis, and loving them all.
Danyritter9974Date: Monday, 02/Apr/2012, 3:51 AM
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I think it was Sailor Moon, but I remember watching inuyasha too!And i still love these animes! ali_061
BeeDate: Tuesday, 03/Apr/2012, 10:56 PM
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I could always recall BUBU CHA CHA as my first anime haha, and most likely Watase Yuu animes were the ones that followed after. I couldn't recall much of the old animes... Crying but anything Watase Yuu I've definitely seen it
blue-yDate: Tuesday, 10/Apr/2012, 5:47 PM
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Wow that was a really long time ago... I suppose...Doraemon? Or Sailor Moon. Or maybe another series, can't remember! sweats
is2meDate: Wednesday, 25/Apr/2012, 7:00 PM
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My very first anime.....hmmmz that was so long ago im not so sure but i think it was gakuen alice~! i like it to much i remember after finishing the anime i would searching online to see if there was a sequence...and once i found out you had to continue from reading i would i was even more excited....hahah it was like how a little kid got a candy for been good~! =]]
salsaDate: Saturday, 28/Apr/2012, 3:39 PM
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my first anime, of course is Dragon Ball. I watched when I still 6 years old, with my brother also...huhu Puzzled
Sora-samaDate: Sunday, 06/May/2012, 11:42 AM
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My very first real Anime was Suzuka. But I've watched a lot others when I was little.. such as Pokemon and Digimon.. Well, Digimon was great <3

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