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How do you decide what's to read?
pujanggaDate: Thursday, 14/Apr/2011, 4:48 AM
Post: 24
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What makes you read the manga and not the other one? Would you judge based on the author? or perhaps by the story summary? or because the drawing is just heaps good? or is it because of your fav genre? or perhaps because of the rating? or other reasons perhaps?
spill it! why?!

I tend to make my decision by the story summary. I love reading Beelzebub because the summary is written nicely eyebrows

If you are friends with everyone, you become popular guy in return, but you don't have a place where you can truly be who you are

Post edited by pujangga - Thursday, 14/Apr/2011, 4:48 AM
Beckyree84Date: Friday, 15/Apr/2011, 5:28 PM
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Quote (pujangga)
What makes you read the manga and not the other one? Would you judge based on the author? or perhaps by the story summary? or because the drawing is just heaps good? or is it because of your fav genre? or perhaps because of the rating? or other reasons perhaps?
spill it! why?!

It is a little of all, mostly the discription, somtimes it is just that the title was intresting (or I had no idea what it is giggle ). But when I find a manga/Manwha I really like I will then look at the scan group and usually read all the ones they are working on.


milkcoffeeDate: Friday, 15/Apr/2011, 5:36 PM
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Most of the time I searched by genre. Most importantly is to look at the characters before reading the plot. LOL. I know it doesn't make any sense. Basically it's just that if the character of the manga/manhwa is good looking, I will read. HAHA!!

Rarely, I came upon the anime adaption of the manga & watched the anime. Feeling interested & chased after the manga.

akumaxtenshiDate: Tuesday, 26/Apr/2011, 4:54 AM
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I read mangas by genre and of course if it's summary was written nicely too. I still read sit even if they don't have high rankings or the drawing isn't that good either. But if the characters were cute or they were hot I would love to read them!. yeahhah

Oh yeah! I love it! ^-^'
lzudurano12Date: Monday, 02/May/2011, 4:45 PM
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The summary is very important for me when considering to read a manga or not.. Secondly, I also look at the pictures & drawings.. If I don't get attracted to the drawings, I don't read it unless if the summary really intrigues me.. I only consider the author when I read manhwas.. If mangas, I don't care about who wrote or drew it as long as the pic is nice & the summary isn't confusing.. yayayay
alzamer2Date: Friday, 06/May/2011, 12:49 PM
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i go the mangaupdates.com
any manga/manhwa is scan to long (high count for volume & chapter) or was completed i check it out
then i read the summary and check Genre (comedy, martial art, Supernatural..ect) and Categories (fantasy, dragon, parallel world...ect)
if i found one that to my liking i download it first then read it
momokoDate: Sunday, 08/May/2011, 8:36 PM
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I look at how the manga is drawn, then I read the plot, and then I read the genre if they all happen to be good then I beginn reading it...
azurinDate: Monday, 09/May/2011, 7:59 AM
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most of the time, the very first thing I do is to looking at the cover...even it has a good story line but the drawing is bad then i just simply don't like it...and i notice that i tend to read manga/manhwa of the same author

PS: when i say the drawing is bad, it's just my personal preference that's all...some people may like that kind of drawing but it's just not my liking

IMustBeInsaneDate: Monday, 09/May/2011, 2:58 PM
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I start with the demographic (because, if it's shounen, I'm never getting through it, no matter how good it is) and then the summary. If I'm kind of if-y on the summary, sometimes I check to see who wrote it and what else they've written. But in general, I'm pretty open to try most things and then just drop it later if I lose interest.
She-RahDate: Tuesday, 10/May/2011, 4:44 AM
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I've changed my style of of choosing my next read. Mostly if I like the author I'll see If they have any more out, or if I like the comments made by other readers on that website will make or break it.
SenSinDate: Wednesday, 11/May/2011, 10:04 PM
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I would have to say genre and description more than anything (though, with some manhwa, you can't go by description at all). Art is after that. It will sound a tad superficial, but I can't get into manga/hwa if I can't enjoy the art.

I avoid tragedy (Haou Airen taught me that painful lesson) and Seinen doesn't usually hold my attention. Neither does action (i.e. Naruto/One Piece) or harem.

So, for me, it will probably be drama, yaoi, shoujo, and things of that nature.

A little Sin is good for the soul...
ManazyaoiDate: Thursday, 12/May/2011, 1:54 AM
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Well first i look for hot guys on the covers ha-cha then i look for ones with samurai hero then sword wielding hotties m021 then ehh i guess i read summaries onion50 but then i read alot of Shoujo onion54
Orang3Date: Thursday, 12/May/2011, 6:58 AM
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i just look at the first chapters of the manga if i find it interesting i will definitely read it if not then i'll stop reading it but i definitely read oneshots coz some of them are really interesting
3flowersDate: Friday, 27/May/2011, 2:45 PM
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The first thing I look at it the pictures, sorry but I judge books by there cover. shine
Though I have read manga I don't really like the artwork for because someone recommended it to me.
Then it's probably the summery.
I generally like romance but if I like the other two, then the genre dosn't really fase me.

But I must say I LOVE how Manazyaoi does hers giggle

Post edited by 3flowers - Friday, 27/May/2011, 2:55 PM
loveisblue16Date: Tuesday, 07/Jun/2011, 5:17 AM
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I have trouble picking a manwa or manga to read. :I My method of choosing one is to read the 1st 2-3 chapters and see if the story interests me so far. :3
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CookieDate: Tuesday, 07/Jun/2011, 6:03 AM
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I mostly see what other manga or manwa people have read with one i know i like. I also look at summerys and then read the first few chapters to see if i like it.

PearlDate: Tuesday, 07/Jun/2011, 10:47 AM
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I go by the summary first when I decide to read a manga. Then the actual drawing of the manga. If the summary sounds interesting and the drawings are to my liking, then I read the first 5 to 6 chapters to see if I like it. If I do like what I have read so far, then I continue reading it. If I don't like it, then I stop reading it. Sometimes I even go by the author/artist who writes/draws the manga or manhwa.
KianDate: Monday, 20/Jun/2011, 2:10 PM
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I decide what I want to read by looking at the summary and how interesting it is, I also check if I know the author because if I like his/her other stories then I'd love to read his new one! I also like manga's with good drawing I specially love romance and if its that popular to others then I most definitely will read it! xx
ambrosDate: Tuesday, 21/Jun/2011, 3:57 AM
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I start of reading normally looking on manga updates. Then I read the summaries posted.
I know this will sound bad but if I love what i read then I will add to an excel spreadsheat that keeps track of the manga, chapter and the last date I read it.
My family laughs about this often but i don't forget to go back and look for new chapters this way.
shine shine
ldyknightDate: Friday, 24/Jun/2011, 2:12 AM
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I first look at the title and if it sounds interesting or I don't know what it is then I look at the cover. If the cover looks interesting then I go to the genre. If it includes romance or smut or both then I read the summary. If the summary sounds interesting then that would be the next manga/manhwa series that I read. However, if the summary isn't interesting enough I won't read it even if it has my favorite genre in it or the cover looks really interesting.

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