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Forum » Other » Games » The Shikon Jewel Game (Be Careful What you WIsh for, Or you might regret it...)
The Shikon Jewel Game
WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 4:52 AM
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Post: 327
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Wish granted, but everyone close to you is afread of you and your powers. While the rest fear you and try to kill you.

(rofl) (with great powers comes great responsibility)

I wish Skipping was an Olympic event

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:00 AM
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well with regard to those around me they can't be afraid because there are no side effects on them due to my power there for reaction my power is covered but everyone can got bite themselves i can beat them with my new cool power plus if i can control everything i can change into someone else so they will never know its me lol

wish granted but every skips teh olympics causing nations go back to warring with each other thus WW3 begins and no more world after that good luck living i'll go to space with my new cool power lol

i wish there was advance technology only i could use and no one wanted to kill me because only i could use and also no one was afraid of me because of it. also this technology is useful and powerful and allows me to do anything with out consequence thus making me invincible... in teh end i rule teh world and everyone is cool with it and my reign last forever because i can not die and i lead us to space where i conquer that as well and i bring peace without boredom to the world.

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:05 AM
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Post: 327
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Wish granted but, people whould get jealous of the advance technology.

I wish that you chould play mmorpgs in your dreams

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:11 AM
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Post: 327
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its always the little things i mess up oh well

wish granted but you can never sleep again

i wish that i had a pizza right now in front of me with pepperoni olives mushrooms and tomatoes it is fresh and has premium ingredients. it costs nothing and there are no reports that i stole it. also it taste great and i eat it with out any consequence such as health problems. the pizza has 10 slices each sized at 6 inch side and 4 inch base. it is cooked perfectly and not burnt the ingredients blend together perfectly. it is on a a plate big enough for it while there are little plates for myself and i do not have to share it at all. nothing restricts me from eating and finishing it.

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:15 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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Wish granted. But to your horror you found out that they put anchovies on it with out you knowing it and you liked it.

I wish life was a game

Post edited by WinterTail - Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:22 AM
SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:23 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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i'm trying my hardest here to my wish hard to corrupt yet you tear them down without a care this is harder then i thought

fine fine wish granted but its only pong

i wish life was an anime/ manga

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:29 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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(Yay Pong!)

wish granted but it's a live with a sucky plot and equally or worst graphics, that it wasnt even funny, its just sad, head shakingly sad that makes everyone want to kill them selves

I wish for a normal non corrupted or broken new Pencil!

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:33 AM
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Post: 327
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wish granted but there is no lead

i wish for good food that i like and nothing more than want i currently acknowledge i like.

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:36 AM
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Post: 327
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Wish granted but unforuntly(Sp ><) that includes anchovies on top of the list now.

I wish for a pop bottle thats not corrupted or broken in any way. :D

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:41 AM
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Post: 327
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wish granted but you cannot open it.... insert evil laugh

i wish i did not like anchovies but everything else stayed exactly the same till my next wish

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:42 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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Wish granted but you realized you still loved them.

I wish .... for NOTHING >D *Insert Evil evil and plotting hands*

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:45 AM
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Post: 327
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wish granted you cease to exist i win game

i wish i did not like or love or in any way favor anchovies at all and no way of me liking them again or loving them or favoring them in anyway at all and every thing else stayed the same till my next wish

Post edited by oturan21 - Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:45 AM
WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:48 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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Wish granted but you keep a can of them under your pillow at night

I wish a blank in this sentence.

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:52 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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wish granted but you get a blank in every other sentence as well so no one knows what your saying

i wish that had nothing to do with anchovies in anyway and they no longer have hold over. for that matter nothing does except powers of nature and everything else stays the same

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 5:56 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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Wish granted....But now everything is normal and boring.

I wish for a normal day

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 6:00 AM
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Post: 327
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wish granted you can a normal day and you relive it forever never progressing forward

i wish for a normal life

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 6:03 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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Wish granted... but it's a boring life and your cry yourself to sleep.

I wish for a post

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 6:04 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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wish granted but sorry its my post

i wish for a good life

WinterTailDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 6:07 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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Wish granted but you die alone and young

I wish i could spell XD

SoulSlayerDate: Friday, 20/Aug/2010, 6:14 AM
Major general
Post: 327
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wish granted you spell perfectly but you can not type or write

i wish for another wish

Forum » Other » Games » The Shikon Jewel Game (Be Careful What you WIsh for, Or you might regret it...)

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